EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS INC. (NYSE:EBS) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
Item 7.01Regulation FD Disclosure.
Item 9.01Financial Statements and Exhibits.
ExhibitNo. |
Description |
99.1 |
Press release, issued January 7, 2019. |
99.2 |
Corporate slide deck, dated January 8, 2019. |
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. Exhibit
EX-99.1 2 exhibit99_1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS ANNOUNCES PRELIMINARY 2018 FINANCIAL RESULTS AND PROVIDES 2019 FINANCIAL FORECAST · Full year 2018 preliminary performance in line with recently revised guidance · Full year 2019 forecast reflects continued growth of organic business and anticipated positive impact of recent acquisitions GAITHERSBURG,…
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Emergent BioSolutions Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company that offers specialized products to healthcare providers and governments to address medical needs and emerging health threats. The Company develops, manufactures and delivers a portfolio of medical countermeasures primarily for government agencies in the areas of biological and chemical threats and emerging infectious diseases (EID). It also develops and commercializes therapeutics in areas of hematology/oncology, transplantation, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders. Its two operating divisions include Biodefense and Biosciences. The Biodefense division is a pharmaceutical business focused on countermeasures that address public health threats, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) threats, as well as EID. The Biosciences division is a pharmaceutical business focused on therapeutics in hematology/oncology with secondary on transplantation, infectious disease and autoimmunity.