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CSA HOLDINGS INC. (OTCMKTS:CSAX) Files An 8-K Bankruptcy or Receivership

CSA HOLDINGS INC. (OTCMKTS:CSAX) Files An 8-K Bankruptcy or ReceivershipItem 1.03 Bankruptcy

On April 27th, 2018, the Board of Directors of CSA directed, instructed and authorized Tom Siciliano, President of CSA to instruct the company’s bankruptcy counsel to prepare such documents and papers as may be necessary to place the company in chapter 7 bankruptcy, to execute such documents and instruct that they be filed, and to prosecute and pursue such bankruptcy petition as may be necessary to obtain a bankruptcy discharge order.

CSA Holdings, Inc. is a security solutions provider catering to businesses in the cannabis industry. The Company provides its customers security system design services, installation, consulting services in physical security solutions and security systems as part of the state licensing process in the cannabis business. The Company’s operations include the installations of alarms, door access systems, video cameras, security system design, monitoring and consulting. The Company offers alarm, video surveillance, access control and consulting services. The Company, through its security solutions division, Cloverton Group, offers armored transport, armed and unarmed guards, background checks and risk management services. The Company has installations in over 450 licensed facilities across the nation. The Company’s subsidiary is CSA, LLC.

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