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CAREVIEW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (OTCMKTS:CRVW) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement

CAREVIEW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (OTCMKTS:CRVW) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
Item 1.01

Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

As previously reported by CareView Communications, Inc. (the Company) in our Current Report on Form 8K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) on February5, 2018, the Company, CareView Communications, Inc., a Texas corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (the Borrower), CareView Operations, L.L.C., a Texas limited liability company and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Borrower (the Subsidiary Guarantor), and PDL Investment Holdings, LLC (as assignee of PDL BioPharma, Inc.), in its capacity as administrative agent and lender (the Lender) under the Credit Agreement (the Credit Agreement) dated as of June26, 2015, as amended, by and among the Company, the Borrower and the Lender, entered into a Modification Agreement on February 2, 2018, effective as of December 28, 2017 (the Modification Agreement), with respect to the Credit Agreement in order to modify certain provisions of the Credit Agreement and Loan Documents (as defined in the Credit Agreement) to prevent an Event of Default (as defined in the Credit Agreement) from occurring.

Under the Modification Agreement, the parties agreed that (i)the Borrower would not make the principal payment due under the Credit Agreement on December31, 2017 until the end of the Modification Period (as defined below), (ii)the Borrower would not pay the principal installments due at the end of each calendar quarter during the Modification Period and (iii)because the Borrowers Liquidity (as defined in the Credit Agreement) was anticipated to fall below $3,250,000, the Liquidity required during the Modification Period would be lowered to $2,500,000 (collectively, the Covered Events). The Lender agreed that the occurrence and continuance of any of the Covered Events will not constitute Events of Default for a period (the Modification Period) from December28, 2017 through the earliest to occur of (a)any Event of Default under any Loan Documents that does not constitute a Covered Event, (b)any event of default under the Modification Agreement, (c)the Lenders election, in its sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period on May31, 2018 or September30, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion) by delivering a written notice to the Borrower on or prior to such date, or (d)December31, 2018.

In consideration of the Lenders entry into the Modification Agreement, the Company and the Borrower agreed, among other things, that the Borrower would obtain (i)at least $2,250,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt (each such term as defined in the Credit Agreement) on or prior to February23, 2018 and (ii)an additional $3,000,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to May31, 2018 (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $5,250,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8K filed with the SEC on February26, 2018, the Company, the Borrower and the Lender entered into a Second Amendment to Credit Agreement (the Credit Agreement Amendment) on February23, 2018, to which, among other things, the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional $3,000,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to May31, 2018 (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $5,050,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8K filed with the SEC on June 4, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into an Amendment to Modification Agreement (the First Modification Agreement Amendment) on May31, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and September30, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); and that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to June15, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to August31, 2018 (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8K filed with the SEC on June 15, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Second Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Second Modification Agreement Amendment) on June14, 2018, to which the parties agreed to further amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July3, 2018 (rather than June15, 2018) and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to August31, 2018 (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8K filed with the SEC on July 5, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Third Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Third Modification Agreement Amendment) on June28, 2018, to which the parties agreed to further amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 (rather than July3, 2018) and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to August31, 2018 (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on September 5, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Fourth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Fourth Modification Agreement Amendment) on August 31, 2018, to which the parties agreed to further amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to September30, 2018 (rather than August31, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on October 4, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Fifth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Fifth Modification Agreement Amendment) on September28, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and November 12, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to November12, 2018 (rather than September30, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); and that the Liquidity required during the Modification Period would be lowered to $1,825,000 from $2,500,000.

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on November 16, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Sixth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Sixth Modification Agreement Amendment) on November 12, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and November 19, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); and that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to November19, 2018 (rather than November 12, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on November 21, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Seventh Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Seventh Modification Agreement Amendment) on November 19, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and December 3, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); and that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to December 3, 2018 (rather than November 19, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000).

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on December 6, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into an Eighth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Eighth Modification Agreement Amendment) on December 3, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and December 17, 2018 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to December 17, 2018 (rather than December 3, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); and that the Liquidity required during the Modification Period would be lowered to $1,525,000 from $1,825,000.

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on December 21, 2018, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Ninth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Ninth Modification Agreement Amendment) on December 17, 2018, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and January 31, 2019 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to January 31, 2019 (rather than December 17, 2018) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); that the Liquidity required during the Modification Period would be lowered to $750,000 from $1,525,000; and that the Borrowers interest payment that would otherwise be due to Lender on December 31, 2018 would be deferred until January 31, 2019 (the end of the extended Modification Period) and that such deferral would be an additional Covered Event.

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on February 5, 2019, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Tenth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Tenth Modification Agreement Amendment) on January31, 2019, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and February 28, 2019 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 28, 2019 (rather than January 31, 2019) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); and that the Borrowers interest payment that would otherwise be due to Lender on December 31, 2018 would be deferred until February 28, 2019 (the end of the extended Modification Period) and that such deferral would be a Covered Event.

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on March 4, 2019, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into an Eleventh Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Eleventh Modification Agreement Amendment) on February 28, 2019, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and March 31, 2019 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to March 31, 2019 (rather than February 28, 2019) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); and that the Borrowers interest payment that would otherwise be due to Lender on December 31, 2018 would be deferred until March 31, 2019 (the end of the extended Modification Period) and that such deferral would be a Covered Event.

As previously reported in our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on April 2, 2019, the Company, the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantor and the Lender entered into a Twelfth Amendment to Modification Agreement (the Twelfth Modification Agreement Amendment) on March 29, 2019, to which the parties agreed to amend the Modification Agreement to provide that the dates on which the Lender may elect, in the Lenders sole discretion, to terminate the Modification Period would be July31, 2018 and April 30, 2019 (with each such date permitted to be extended by the Lender in its sole discretion); that the Borrower could satisfy its obligations under the Modification Agreement to obtain financing by obtaining (i)at least $2,050,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to February 23, 2018 and (ii)an additional (A)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to July13, 2018 and (B)$750,000 in net cash proceeds from the issuance of Capital Stock (other than Disqualified Capital Stock) or Debt on or prior to April 30, 2019 (rather than March 31, 2019) (resulting in aggregate net cash proceeds of at least $3,550,000); and that the Borrowers interest payments that would otherwise be due to Lender on December 31, 2018 and on March 31, 2019 would be deferred until April 30, 2019 (the end of the extended Modification Period) and that such deferrals would be a Covered Event. The parties also agreed that any breaches by the Company or the Borrower of the minimum cash balance requirement formerly set forth in the HealthCor Note and Warrant Purchase Agreement, as amended, that occurred on or prior to March 27, 2019 would be permanently waived and would not constitute Events of Default under a Loan Document so long as such breaches had been waived under the HealthCor Note and Warrant Purchase Agreement, as amended, and as such, that any such breaches would be a Covered Event.

On April 9, 2019, the Company, the Borrower and the Lender entered into a Fourth Amendment to Credit Agreement (the Fourth Credit Agreement Amendment), and in connection with the Fourth Credit Agreement Amendment, the Borrower executed an Amended and Restated Tranche One Term Note in the principal amount of $20,000,000 to the Lender (the Amended Tranche One Term Note), to which the parties agreed, among other things, to amend the note from registered to unregistered form.

The foregoing descriptions of the Credit Agreement, the Modification Agreement, the Credit Agreement Amendment, the Fourth Credit Agreement Amendment, the Amended Tranche One Term Note, the First Modification Agreement Amendment, the Second Modification Agreement Amendment, the Third Modification Agreement Amendment, the Fourth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Fifth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Sixth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Seventh Modification Agreement Amendment, the Eighth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Ninth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Tenth Modification Agreement Amendment, the Eleventh Modification Agreement Amendment, and the Twelfth Modification Agreement Amendment are qualified, in their entirety, by reference to each such agreement, copies of which are attached as exhibits to this Current Report on Form 8-K and are incorporated by reference in response to this Item 1.01.

Item 1.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(d) Exhibits:

CareView Communications Inc Exhibit
EX-10.18 2 ex10-18.htm FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CREDIT AGREEMENT   Careview Communications,…
To view the full exhibit click here


CareView Communications, Inc. is a developer of a suite of products and hardware to help connect patients, families and healthcare providers through a data and patient monitoring system (the CareView System). The Company’s CareView System runs on each hospital’s coaxial cable television network that provides television signals to patient room. Its CareView System suite of video monitoring, guest services and related applications connect patients, families and healthcare providers. The CareView System offers service packages, such as primary package, which includes NurseView, PhysicianView, Virtual Bed Rails, Virtual Chair Rails, Fall Management Program, Rounding and SecureView; additional Careview products, which include Sitter Management Program, BedView, Patient Education, FacilityView, Nurse Alerts and Reminders, Ulcer Management, CareView Connect, NICUVie and The CareView Broadcast System, and guest services package, which includes PatientView, NetView, MovieView and BabyView.

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