BIOTRICITY INC. (OTCMKTS:BTCY) Files An 8-K Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
Item 2.03 Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant.
On October 3, 2019, Biotricity Inc. (the “Company”) entered into financial obligations to repay a loan in the amount of $1,000,000, together with the interest accruing thereon. The Company is in the process of finalizing written agreements detailing the terms of these obligations.
Biotricity Inc is a Canada-based medical technology company. The Company delivers remote biometric monitoring solutions, including diagnostic and post-diagnostic solutions for chronic conditions and lifestyle improvement. It offers bioflux, an Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring system that enables physicians to diagnose cardiovascular diseases or coronary heart diseases, acts as an ambulatory monitor that detects arrhythmias, performs remote mobile cardiac telemetry diagnostic monitoring, and transmits ECG data via a built-in cellular radio in real time. The Company also provides biolife, a health and lifestyle solution for individuals, which consists of a device that monitors heart-rhythm or ECG, as well as respiration, calories, temperature, physical activity, and other.