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B2Digital, Incorporated (OTCMKTS:BTDG) Files An 8-K Regulation FD Disclosure

B2Digital, Incorporated (OTCMKTS:BTDG) Files An 8-K Regulation FD Disclosure
Item 7.01

On March 30, 2021, B2Digital, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), issued press release which announced the upcoming B2 Fighting Series schedule from April to July 2021. to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), the information in this Item 7.01 disclosure, including Exhibit 99.1, and the information set forth therein, is deemed to have been furnished to, and shall not be deemed to be “filed” with, the SEC.

The press release may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on information presently available to the Company’s management and are current only as of the date made. Actual results could also differ materially from those anticipated as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, those discussed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2020, and subsequent reports filed by the Company with the SEC. For those reasons, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statement. The Company assumes no duty or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, although it may do so from time to time as management believes is warranted or as may be required by applicable securities law. Any such updates or revisions may be made by the registrant by filing reports with the SEC, through the issuance of press releases or by other methods of public disclosure.

(d) Exhibits.

Exhibit No. Description
99.1 Press Release dated March 30, 2021

B2Digital, Inc. Exhibit
EX-99.1 2 b2digital_ex9901.htm PRESS RELEASE Exhibit 99.1   B2Digital’s B2 Fighting Series Announces Most Ambitious Fight Night Schedule in Company History   TAMPA,…
To view the full exhibit click here

About B2Digital, Incorporated (OTCMKTS:BTDG)

B2 Digital, Incorporated is a provider of in-room, on-demand video entertainment and satellite services to the domestic lodging industry. The Company’s services include the delivery of Hollywood movies, sports and live events, as well as various types of pay-per-view content. Its in-room entertainment and information services include pay-per-view motion pictures, archived television content, games, music, Internet connectivity and guest programming of select pay cable channels. Its on-demand interactive services include guest folio review, automatic checkout, survey completion, guest messaging, video games and Internet service. The Company provides its services under long-term contracts to hotels, hotel management companies and individually owned and franchised hotel properties. The Company, through Hotel Movie Network, Inc. provides platforms for in room viewing of various cable channels, and other interactive and information services and high-speed wireless Internet access.

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