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APTEVO THERAPEUTICS INC. (NASDAQ:APVO) Files An 8-K Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers

APTEVO THERAPEUTICS INC. (NASDAQ:APVO) Files An 8-K Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers

Item 5.02

Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of
Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory
Arrangements of Certain Officers.

Compensatory Arrangement.On May 31, 2017, at the 2017 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders (the Annual Meeting) of Aptevo
Therapeutics Inc. (the Company), the Companys stockholders
approved the amendment and restatement of the Companys 2016 Stock
Incentive Plan (the 2016 Plan) to, among other things, increase
the number of authorized shares issuable by 1,275,000 shares.

The amendment and restatement of the 2016 Plan (as so amended and
restated, the Restated 2016 Plan), previously had been approved,
subject to stockholder approval, by the Board of Directors of the
Company. The Restated 2016 Plan became effective immediately upon
stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting.

A more detailed summary of the material features of the Restated
2016 Plan is set forth in the Companys definitive proxy statement
on Schedule 14A filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on April 14, 2017 (the Proxy Statement). That summary and the
foregoing description are qualified in their entirety by
reference to the text of the Restated 2016 Plan, which is
attached as Exhibit A to the Proxy Statement.

Item 5.07

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

On May 31, 2017, at the Annual Meeting, the Companys stockholders
voted on three proposals, each of which is described in more
detail in the Proxy Statement. The following is a brief
description of each matter voted upon and the certified voting

Proposal No. 1. Stockholders elected each of the two nominees for
director to serve until the Companys 2020 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders and until his or her respective successor has been
duly elected and qualified. The final voting results were as

Director Name

Votes For

Votes Withheld



Zsolt Harsanyi, Ph.D.




Barbara Lopez Kunz




Proposal No. 2. Stockholders approved the amendment and
restatement of the 2016 Plan to, among other things, increase the
number of authorized shares issuable by 1,275,000 shares. The
final voting results were as follows:

Votes For

Votes Against








Proposal No. 3. Stockholders ratified the selection by the Audit
Committee of the Companys Board of Directors of Ernst Young LLP
as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017. The final voting
results were as follows:

Votes For

Votes Against







Aptevo Therapeutics Inc. is a biotechnology company. The Company is focused on oncology and hematology therapeutics. The Company is engaged in the discovery, development, commercialization and sale of oncology and hematology therapeutics. The Company’s technology is the ADAPTIR (modular protein technology) platform. The Company has approximately four products in the areas of hematology and infectious diseases, as well as various investigational-stage product candidates in immuno-oncology. The Company’s investigational-stage product candidates include MOR209/ES414, ES210, ES425, Otlertuzumab and 5E3. Its technology can produce monospecific and multispecific immunotherapeutic proteins that bind to various targets. The Company’s marketed products are WinRho SDF (Rho(D) Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human)), HepaGam B (Hepatitis B Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human)), VARIZIG (Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (Human)), and IXINITY (coagulation factor IX (recombinant)). APTEVO THERAPEUTICS INC. (NASDAQ:APVO) Recent Trading Information
APTEVO THERAPEUTICS INC. (NASDAQ:APVO) closed its last trading session up +0.01 at 2.11 with 81,378 shares trading hands.

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