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Analyst Activity – Northland Securities Reiterates Corporate on Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL)

Analyst Ratings For Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL)

Today, Northland Securities reiterated its Corporate rating on Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL).

There are no ratings tracked in the last 12 months. on the stock.

The current consensus rating on Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL) is N/A (Score: NaN) with a consensus target price of per share, a potential .

Some recent analyst ratings include

About Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL)
Edenville Energy plc is a United Kingdom-based company engaged in the exploration and development of energy commodities, primarily coal and uranium in Africa. The Company’s segments include Coal, Uranium and Other. Its initial work consists of a desk-top review involving the collection, collation and re-interpretation of all available historical data, supplemented by regional-scale geological reconnaissance mapping and sampling. The Company has approximately three coal deposits within the Rukwa Coalfields: Mkomolo, Namwele and Muze. The Mkomolo Project is located approximately 20 kilometers Northwest of Sumbawanga located in western Tanzania. The Namwele Project is adjacent to the Mkomolo and is situated over four kilometers to the south east of the Mkomolo Deposit. The Muze Project is located approximately 10 kilometers east of the Mkomolo and Namwele deposits. The Company’s other projects include Matiri North and South, and Lake Nyasa.

Recent Trading Activity for Edenville Energy PLC (LON:EDL)
Shares of Edenville Energy PLC closed the previous trading session at 0.827 up +0.017 2.16% with 0 shares trading hands.

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