Market Exclusive

Analyst Activity – FinnCap Reiterates Corporate on Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG)

Analyst Ratings For Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG)

Today, FinnCap reiterated its Corporate rating on Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG) with a price target of GBX 115.

There are no ratings tracked in the last 12 months. on the stock.

The current consensus rating on Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG) is N/A (Score: NaN) with a consensus target price of GBX 115 per share, a potential .

Some recent analyst ratings include

About Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG)
Cambridge Cognition Holdings plc and its subsidiaries develop and commercialize computerized neuropsychological tests for sale, principally in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe. The Company’s segments include Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials, Academic Research and Healthcare Technology. The Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials segment includes products and services for use in regulated pharmaceutical clinical trials. The Academic Research segment includes cognitive test products for researchers working in a non-regulated environment, typically in academia. The Healthcare Technology segment includes medical software for use in healthcare delivery settings. The Company is a provider of validated touchscreen cognitive assessments for clinical trials. The Company’s product, CANTAB Mobile is a Class II medical device, used to identify patients exhibiting the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. It also offers Cantab Insight for dementia assessment in secondary care.

Recent Trading Activity for Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC (LON:COG)
Shares of Cambridge Cognition Holdings PLC closed the previous trading session at 82.00 up +4.50 5.81% with 0 shares trading hands.

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